Master Mind (Eng)

Master Mind (Eng)

డా. బి.వి.పట్టాభిరామ్

Dr. BV Pattabhi Ram

రూ. 250

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Publisher:  Emesco Books Pvt. Ltd


About This Book

Dr. B.V. Pattabhi Ram M.A.(Psy), Ph.D.
Debut means the initial or first performance. Those who want to achieve success may enter any field of their choice. Once they acquire the skills of that field, they shine in other fields also with the secrets of what they have achieved in their initial endeavour. Take for example, Jamshedji Tata. To start with, he obtained spare parts of rickshas from  China and sold them here. Having tasted the fruit of success here, he established a steel factory at Jamshedpur and achieved series of successes. He was not content with limited success in a few fields but also entered new fields where others also had succeeded.

Books By This Author

Book Details

TitleMaster Mind (Eng)
Writerడా. బి.వి.పట్టాభిరామ్
CategoryEnglish Books
Stock Not Available
Book IdEBE013
Pages 256
Release Date09-Jan-2005

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