Reality Of Relation

Reality Of Relation

శ్రీచరణ్‌ వాడేపల్లి

Sricharan Vadapali

రూ. 50

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Publisher:  Emesco Books Pvt. Ltd

Being successful in our respective spheres of life is one commonality shared by every one of us.  Positive and enriching relations play key and significant role for a happy life of fulfilment and success. The present endeavor is to simplify the concepts of successful relationships answering the basic questions of why few are quite enriching while others are not. The book through simple age old mythological stories helps the reader clarify few myths of relations paving way for building successful relations and enriching them.  A must read for very one to understand the appreciate concepts of change for betterment and progressive living.

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Book Details

TitleReality Of Relation
Writerశ్రీచరణ్‌ వాడేపల్లి
CategoryEnglish Books
Stock 100
Book IdEBN034
Pages 78
Release Date24-Jan-2014

© 2014 Emescobooks.Allrights reserved

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