అన్‌లీజింగ్‌చానల్స్‌ ఆఫ్ న్యూస్ చానల్స్

Unleashing Power Of News Channels

డా.ఎన్. భాస్కరరావు

Dr. N. Basakar Rao

రూ. 125

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Publisher:  Emesco Books Pvt. Ltd


About This Book

Written by :- Dr.N.Bahaskara Rao

Globally, mass media including news media are influenced by consumerism and markets. One cannot get away from these interests altogether. What is desirable of a channel is to be sensitive towards supporting such interest in case of any section of viewers and moderate it as an outlet for citizens and the community. Wherever conflict of interest is too obvious, it should be better stated beforehand for transparency.

Books By This Author

Book Details

Titleఅన్‌లీజింగ్‌చానల్స్‌ ఆఫ్ న్యూస్ చానల్స్
Writerడా.ఎన్. భాస్కరరావు
CategoryEnglish Books
Stock 100
Book IdEBL070
Pages 336
Release Date21-Feb-2012

© 2014 Emescobooks.Allrights reserved

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