The Catapult of Time

The Catapult of Time

రాజ కార్తీకేయ

Raja Karthikeya

రూ. 100

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Publisher:  Emesco Books Pvt. Ltd

The Catapult of Time
poetry by
Raja Karthikeya
Price : Rs: 100/-
$ 4.99

About This Book

Karthikeya has life and career aspirations like most of us. But unlike most of us, he is willing to compromise on them to go out of his way to alleviate pain and suffering all around.

Books By This Author

Book Details

TitleThe Catapult of Time
Writerరాజ కార్తీకేయ
CategoryEnglish Books
Stock Available
Book IdEBV028
Pages 135
Release Date31-Dec-2023

© 2014 Emescobooks.Allrights reserved

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