Know your Thyroid

Know your Thyroid

డా.అశోక్‌ వెంకటనర్సు

Dr. Ashok Venkata Narasu

రూ. 60

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Publisher:  Emesco Books Pvt. Ltd


About This Book

Thyroid disorders are as common as diabetes among public, but receive much less space in the print media (and time on the electronic media) than it and commercial angle is partly to be blamed for it.

Books By This Author

Book Details

TitleKnow your Thyroid
Writerడా.అశోక్‌ వెంకటనర్సు
CategoryEnglish Books
Stock Available
Book IdEBT010
Pages 88
Release Date14-Mar-2020

© 2014 Emescobooks.Allrights reserved

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